Core Values
We recognize that God has designed us to be together. We love each other. We strive to listen to and respect one another. We care for each other in times of need. We work hard at being welcoming, inclusive, accepting and celebrating.
Spiritual Formation
We are people on a faith journey seeking to grow into greater Christ-likeness. We respect the notion that we are at different places on this journey and we celebrate that we have each chosen the path of Christ. We seek to provide teachings and preaching that nurtures faith and challenges us to be better disciples. We have a strong commitment to spiritual nourishment of children and youth and recognize that learning continues across the generations.
God reaches out to us, calls, equips, and empowers us in love. Our mission is a response to God's initiative and draws us naturally to a place of worship. We enjoy expressing our praise and love to God. We value music and singing, and appreciate variety in worship through the involvement of all. We believe worship is expressed throughout our whole lives.
We strive to model our lives after the example of Jesus Christ. We recognize that there are many who may decide what Christianity looks like based on our behaviour. As such we individually and corporately seek to continue to grow deeper in our discipleship to Christ, even as we invite others along the journey. We believe that every neighbourhood deserves a disciple-making peace presence.
We believe that every follower of Christ has been empowered with gifts for ministry as we live our faith and impact our neighbourhoods both locally and globally. The ministry God invites us to is not limited to our building or street address. We respond to Christ's call through local and national service projects, but also by calling out, supporting, blessing and sending those from among us who feel called to serve "across the street and around the world."
As Jesus was generous, so too we seek to be a generous people. It is our desire to be known for our generosity so that God may be glorified through the work of the church. We practice generosity as we give to the ministries of the church and the wider work of God provincially, nationally and globally. We also practice generosity with each other in ways that are surprising and a testimony to our love for one another.
We recognize that God has designed us to be together. We love each other. We strive to listen to and respect one another. We care for each other in times of need. We work hard at being welcoming, inclusive, accepting and celebrating.
Spiritual Formation
We are people on a faith journey seeking to grow into greater Christ-likeness. We respect the notion that we are at different places on this journey and we celebrate that we have each chosen the path of Christ. We seek to provide teachings and preaching that nurtures faith and challenges us to be better disciples. We have a strong commitment to spiritual nourishment of children and youth and recognize that learning continues across the generations.
God reaches out to us, calls, equips, and empowers us in love. Our mission is a response to God's initiative and draws us naturally to a place of worship. We enjoy expressing our praise and love to God. We value music and singing, and appreciate variety in worship through the involvement of all. We believe worship is expressed throughout our whole lives.
We strive to model our lives after the example of Jesus Christ. We recognize that there are many who may decide what Christianity looks like based on our behaviour. As such we individually and corporately seek to continue to grow deeper in our discipleship to Christ, even as we invite others along the journey. We believe that every neighbourhood deserves a disciple-making peace presence.
We believe that every follower of Christ has been empowered with gifts for ministry as we live our faith and impact our neighbourhoods both locally and globally. The ministry God invites us to is not limited to our building or street address. We respond to Christ's call through local and national service projects, but also by calling out, supporting, blessing and sending those from among us who feel called to serve "across the street and around the world."
As Jesus was generous, so too we seek to be a generous people. It is our desire to be known for our generosity so that God may be glorified through the work of the church. We practice generosity as we give to the ministries of the church and the wider work of God provincially, nationally and globally. We also practice generosity with each other in ways that are surprising and a testimony to our love for one another.
Vision Statement
At LMC, we join Christ in his work in our local community, our nation and the world. Our vision statement reflects this work, and we strive to be a church that:
Praises God
Loves one another
Makes more and better disciples
Serves in Christ's name
Grows our faith
Gives generously
God reaches out to us, calls, equips and empowers us in love. Our mission is a response to God's initiative. Our worship expresses praise and love to God.
Praises God
Loves one another
Makes more and better disciples
Serves in Christ's name
Grows our faith
Gives generously
God reaches out to us, calls, equips and empowers us in love. Our mission is a response to God's initiative. Our worship expresses praise and love to God.

The doors of the Listowel Mennonite congregation first opened April 28, 1963, and have always been open to all! What a few local families started has become a thriving congregation in the small town setting of Listowel, Ontario. A few new buildings and a lot of new members later, and we are a congregation of all different ages and backgrounds. In 2013, we celebrated and praised God for 50 years as a church, and look forward to God’s work in the next 50 and beyond.
Who are the Mennonites?
Mennonites are a group of Christians committed to following Jesus from an Anabaptist perspective. This is reflected in our Christ-centered practices of pacifism (or non-violent resistance) and adult baptism, but it’s also much more than this. It means we believe that Christ has called us to interpret and live out the teachings of the Bible in the context of community. It means we join in the work of Christ everywhere in the world, and involve ourselves in peace and justice work inspired by Jesus’ love.